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Tips about SQL

SQL Injection

DO NOT pass in parameters to an SQL query directly from user inputs as this can open you up to SQL injections.

For eg, if a user sends id=1; SELECT 1=1; and you pass this into your SQL query directly, this can open up your entire DB for the user to see, or maybe the user sends id=1; DROP TABLE 'users'

So always sanitize the user inputs;

Node Mysql

You can pass in query params into a nunjucks template like done here:

Keep in mind, node-mysql flattens the arrays so you can pass in nested arrays as well.

Data Types

  • Use decimals for financial/precise data, floats are not appropriate as they won't store precise data.

    Usage: DECIMAL(6,2) , where you can use 6 total digits, with 2 decimal places of precision. i.e from range 9999.99 to -9999.99.